


この辞書は、1830年、オランダ東インド領・バタビア(現在のインドネシア・ジャカルタ)でイギリス人宣教師 Walter Henry Medhurst によって、リトグラフで印刷されました。約200冊が印刷されたと推定され、現存するのは35冊です。

さらに詳細は、英語版・週刊カルチュラル・ニュース(Weekly Cultural News) をご覧ください。


見本紙をご希望の方は、カルチュラル・ニュース編集長、東繁春 higashi@culturalnews.com へ連絡してください。

Let’s subscribe Cultural News to find Japanese art and cultural events in Los Angeles / April 12-18 issue just published

Four Months of Subscription for $36

Weekly Cultural News is a substitute publication for monthly Cultural News

Contents of Weekly Cultural News, April 12 - 18, 2021

P01: Huntington Library to sponsor virtual lecture “The Tale of Genji: Imaged and Reimaged”

P01: Japanese American National Museum will open on Friday, Saturday, Sunday only

P02: Huntington Library acquires world’s first published English-Japanese dictionary

P03: Los Angeles-based vocalist releases her debut album of Japanese language songs

P04: Japanese Percussion Lesson #43: Let’s learn about Noh-Style Taiko

Ad: Uyehara Travel are preparing tours

Notice: Virtual fundraising event for wartime experience education: Tuna Canyon Marketplace to be held online from April 15 through June 15

P05: Go For Broke stamp to be released for honoring Japanese American soldiers of WWII

P06: 52nd Manzanar Pilgrimage featuring story and taiko performances to be held online, April 24, 12:00PM

For a free sample copy, send your request to editor@culturalnews.com