ボランティア記者を募集します。取材テーマは、2017 Homeless Countです

カルチュラルニュース編集長、東 繁春から

カルチュラルニュースは昨年、Web新聞カルチュラルニュース日本語版http://digest.culturalnews.com を始め、ロサンゼルスの日本文化、日常生活についての日本語ニュースを提供しています。

現在、ロサンゼルス・カウンティー行政局は、2017 Homeless Count という調査を行っています。今日(26日)午後8時からはダウンタウンに近いSouth West(かって日本人が多く住んでいた西南地区)で調査が行われます。

今後、行われる2017 Homeless Count を取材し、日本語の記事を書くボランティア記者を募集します。


Supervisor Ridley-Thomas to Join Volunteers for Homeless Count in South Los Angeles

8 PM, Thursday, January 26

Supervisor Mark Ridley-Thomas will join volunteers for the Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority’s (LAHSA) 2017 homeless count, the nation’s largest census of homeless people in Los Angeles County.

Volunteers will seek to locate and count the men, women and children living in cars and tents, makeshift encampments or sleeping out in the open. They will also conduct demographic surveys to determine how many among the homeless are veterans, youth aging out of the foster care system, people with physical or mental disabilities, and other subgroups with special needs.

The count will provide an accurate picture of the state of homelessness countywide, and guide the delivery of programs and services to where they are most needed. The Supervisor and volunteers will be available for interviews.

Los Angeles County Supervisor Mark Ridley-Thomas
Volunteers for the Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority

Volunteers will gather at 8 PM at Holman United Methodist Church and travel to Leimert Park to conduct the count.

Holman United Methodist Church (start location)
3320 West Adams Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90018

The homeless count will commence at 43rd Street and Degnan Blvd. at 8:30 PM